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Anxious Person's Guide To Non-Monogamy
Discussion Questions

Would you recommend this book? What did you like / dislike?


Was there anything that particularly resonated?


Does anyone feel comfy sharing anxieties they have within their own non-monogamous lifestyle? And how they manage these?


The author mentions ‘anchors’ - the reason(s) why you’re non-monogamous that you can reflect on when times are hard…what is your anchor? P.20

Do you feel the challenges of non-monogamy are adequately shared & discussed in your communities? Or do you feel these are unacknowledged? P.89


Can a person ‘make’ you anxious, or are you 100% accountable for your own anxiety?


Where is the balance between asking for your needs to be met versus building your own resilience? 


Reassurance is temporary relief for our own lack of self-esteem. Thoughts? P.116

Is polyamory for folks wanting to avoid the risk of being alone?

What’s your opinion about partners having veto power? P.133


Thoughts on DADT (don’t ask don’t tell) relationship policy? P.135


Some partners agree to let the other know BEFORE having sexual contact with someone else. Discuss. P.111


Some partners agree to let the other know when they start to ‘have feelings’ for someone else. The author believes this can be problematic, what are your thoughts? P.107


“A lot of people use polyamory to avoid a breakup so they can keep a relationship that is not serving them and get their essential needs met elsewhere.” Discuss. P.43

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