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Relationship Anarchy Manifesto
Discussion Questions

Many of the below questions use the term ‘partner’ which I’m lazily using as an umbrella term for anyone a person may ‘be seeing’ in any capacity: spouse, financé, partner, fuck buddy, friends with benefits, date mates, unlabelled romantic/emotional/sexual/intimate folks, etc.


Were you already familiar with relationship anarchy? Based on the text or previous knowledge, how would you describe relationship anarchy?


Was there anything in the text you particularly liked / resonated with you…or especially disagreed with?


In what ways do you think polyamory & relationship anarchy are different?


Is it realistic that the love felt for another person won’t diminish the love felt for another? How do you avoid the excitement of new relationships affecting existing ones?


What do you feel are the advantages & disadvantages of non-hierarchical relationships?


To what purpose do you feel labelling partners as primary serves? To what purpose do you feel not labelling partners serves?


“How do you wish to be treated by others?” - have you thought about this for yourself? Are you aware of what your core values are?


Do you think being aware of your boundaries & core values is overrated and that going with the flow is underrated?


Do you think it’s OK to adapt your boundaries, expectations & values depending on who you’re seeing?

“Being free to be spontaneous…is what gives life to relationships” - do you agree?


Can routine be the lovely expected?

Do you think there is such a thing as too much communication? Where is the line between communication, and going with the flow to enjoy the relationship in its natural state?


“Radical relationships must have conversation & communication at the heart - not as a state of emergency” - Do you agree? Do you currently communicate only as a ‘state of emergency’ at the moment?


Is communication pointless without trust? Without trust how can you be sure a person is saying what they sincerely think and feel?


How would you define ‘commitments’?


Is it possible to have relationships without ‘commitment’?


Are you explicit with partners about the kind of commitments you want?

Do you think compromising is healthy? Or should folks be in relationships where compromise isn’t necessary?


How often do you discuss boundaries with your partners?


Do you feel folks still question the validity of non-traditional relationships? Or is this just assumed by folks in the non-traditional relationship community?


Do you adapt your behaviour/relationships to avoid judgement by others?

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