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Lady Chatterley's Lover
Discussion Questions

What did you like / dislike about the movie or book?

How satisfied are you with the ending?

What insights does the book/movie offer about the human experience of love, desire, and relationships, particularly in relation to non-monogamy and polyamory?

Would you describe Connie's (Lady Chatterley) relationships as polyamorous? Would you describe Mellors’ or Clifford’s relationships as polyamorous?

Do you feel either Connie, Mellors, or Clifford communicated particularly well with the others? How do you think they could have improved?

Would you say that any of the characters' behaviours were immoral / unethical?

In what way do you feel class played a role (if any) in the portrayal of non-monogamous relationships?

Do you feel class plays a role in non-monogamous relationships today?

In what way do you feel non-monogamy affected the character's emotional wellbeing?

What do you think happens to the characters over the following 5 years?

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