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Open House
Discussion Questions

What did you think of the show? What did you like / dislike?


How do you think the show could be improved?

Would you go on the show as a ‘resident’?

For a monogamous couple interested in opening their relationship, would you recommend they go on the show?

How authentic / choreographed do you think the show is?

Do you think the show reflected Ethical Non Monogamy accurately?

Would you ever have a threesome on national TV?

One of the couples had reservations about opening up. Should a monogamous couple have 100% certainty about opening, or is uncertainty OK?

A couple had a threesome that ‘didn’t go to plan.’ To what extent do you think a partner’s comfort & emotions is their responsibility versus yours?

A couple was seeking a woman for a threesome. ‘Unicorn hunting’ is frowned upon by some…do you think it should be?



A couple had a threesome that ‘didn’t go to plan.’ Where do you think it went wrong? How could this have been avoided?

A couple had a threesome that ‘didn’t go to plan.’ One of the partners said to the other:

> “You made my first experience a bad one”

> “You purposely made me feel like a spare part”

> “Well you’ve fucked it up”

> “To be honest, I think I deserve better.”


A couple had a threesome that ‘didn’t go to plan’ and began debriefing whilst their new friend was in the room. Thoughts? Could this have been handled differently?

In the couple’s first threesome, the two women appeared to have a strong connection. For a couple seeking a ‘third’ for a threesome, do you think it’s important that everyone is equally attracted / into each other

One of the couples each had affairs. Dr Lori wanted to test how they coped being intimate with others whilst apart. What do you think about this approach?

The show focuses on monogamous couples opening up. What do you think is the best way to open up a relationship?

The show focuses solely on couples exploring. Do you think it’s easier to explore ethical non monogamy with or without a primary partner?

One of the couples wanted to experience group sex. Would you recommend for a monogamous couple to jump straight into an orgy? Or first explore threesomes/foursomes first?


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