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Louis Theroux Suggested Questions

Discussion 1 - Free flow discuss or use below questions in any order  :)

1.1.   How did you find the episode? Bits you liked / disliked?

1.2   Does it show a faithful depiction of polyamory?

1.3.  The show is called 'Love Without Limits' - how appropriate is this title?

1.4   Would anyone like to share their current challenges with polyamory?

Discussion 2 - Free flow discuss or use below questions in any order  :)


2.1.  Any of your own questions you'd like to discuss?

2.2.  "I don't want the onus of my partner's happiness to be on me. You're responsible for your own happiness" - discuss

2.3  One could argue Louis focuses more on the sexual dynamics than the family dynamics - do you agree?

2.4.  Polyamory is just slow divorce - do you agree?

2.5.  Any questions from previous discussion you'd like to reopen?

Discussion 3 - Free flow discuss or use below questions in any order  :)

3.1.   Any of your own questions you'd like to discuss?

3.2.  How satisfied are you with the representation of polyamory and queerness in the show?

3.4.  What guidance do you have for a partnership where one person feels lonely and/or left behind?

3.3  Louis asks "why aren't you enough for each other?" and the interviewee replies: this is a horrible sentence. Discuss.

3.5.   Any questions from previous discussion you'd like reopen?

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