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She's Gotta Have It
Suggested Questions

Discussion 1a - SEEN THE SHOW - Free flow discuss the series, or kick-off using some of the below questions in any order  :)

1.1.   Thoughts on the series? Bits you liked / disliked?


1.2   Nola identifies as polyamorous.

   a.   Do you feel the series represents polyamory well?

   b.   Would you describe her lifestyle as polyamorous?

1.3   In your opinion is there a difference between hookup culture & polyamory? Discuss.

1.4   Jamie, one of Nola’s lovers, struggles with jealousy that Nola sees other people.

   a.   What's your advice to Jamie about handling jealousy?

   b.   What's your advice to Nola about having a jealous partner?

1.5   Would anyone like to share their previous or current experiences with jealousy?


Discussion 1 - NOT SEEN THE SHOW

1.1   The show is about a polyamorous person called Nola.

   a.   How do you define polyamory?

   b.   In your opinion, how does polyamory differ to other forms of ethical non-monogamy? Perhaps it doesn't?


1.2   Is there a difference between hookup culture & polyamory? Discuss.

1.3   Jamie, one of Nola’s lovers, struggles with jealousy that Nola sees other people.

   a.   What's your advice to Jamie about handling jealousy?

   b.   What's your advice to Nola about having a jealous partner?

1.4   Would anyone like to share their previous or current experiences with jealousy?

Discussion 2 - Free flow discuss, or kick-off using some of the below questions in any order  :)


2.1.  Any questions you'd like to throw out to the group?

2.2   Whilst hanging with a lover, another of Nola's lovers bumps into them.

a.   How would you handle this situation?

b.   What would you do in the moment / afterwards if you felt tension between the two?

2.3  Race is a key theme of the series. How do you feel race and ethical non-monogamy intersect? Any personal experiences anyone wants to share?

2.4.   We're a predominantly white community discussing a black woman’s polyamory experiences.

   a.   How appropriate / inappropriate is this?

   b.   What more can communities like ours do to encourage member diversity?

2.5.   Any questions from previous group you'd like reopen with this group?

Discussion 3 - Free flow discuss, or kick-off using some of the below questions in any order  :)

3.1   Any questions you'd like to throw out to the group?

3.2   Some of Nola's partners/lovers are uncomfortable that Nola is polyamorous.

   a.   How would you handle this if you were Nola?

   b.   Where's the line in terms of consenting to a situationship if some partners/lovers are uncomfortable with a poly arrangement?

3.3  A theme is Nola not wanting to conform to the male gaze, yet Nola is the creation of black male director Spike Lee.

a.   Are we therefore seeing Nola through the male gaze?

b.   Do you think the series might have been different if directed by a black woman? How?

3.4   One reason Nola is polyamorous is for freedom. Yet Nola's freedom is somewhat constrained by being tied to multiple connections. Can polyamory sometimes be less freeing?

3.5   Any questions from previous group you'd like reopen with this group?

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