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Discussion Questions

Discussion 1

What did you like / dislike about the book?

Was there anything that particularly resonated for you?

Is anyone comfortable sharing their experience(s) opening up a relationship?

Discussion 2

Differentiating between a gentle nudge towards opening up versus a push too hard is difficult to differentiate. Discuss.

Is anyone comfortable sharing if they have ever sought professional help, or thought about seeking help in terms of polyamory / open relationships?

What guidance would you give someone who wants to open their relationship, but their partner is hesitant?

Discussion 3

What guidance would you give someone who is hesitant to open a relationship, but their partner wants to open it?

Many polyamory / ENM books focus only on couples and not solo poly folks. Do you feel this is true? Is this true of PolyWise? If yes, to what extend could this be reinforcing monogamous principles?

The book describes creating 'temporary vessels'  - pockets of time in which an open relationship slows down. Thoughts?

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