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Decolonizing Sex


Discussion 1

1.1. Thoughts on the podcast? Would you recommend it?

1.2. Did anything in particular resonate with you? Anything you strongly agree or disagree with?

1.3. Dr Tallbear says we should seek to be in 'good relation' with each other. What does this term mean to you?


1.4. Are there any questions you would like to suggest to the group for discussion?


Discussion 2


2.1. Are there any questions you would like to suggest to the group for discussion?


2.2. Dr Tallbear suggests that categorising people as queer, straight, sexual, romantic, platonic etc. is perpetuating a colonial settler worldview. What are the pros and cons of these social categories? Do they help you? How would a society look without them?

2.2. Dr Tallbear suggests that polyamorous communities are too focused discussing calendars, jealousy and boundaries, and not focused enough on the settler colonial mindset of ownership over another's body - what are your thoughts?

2..4. Dr Tallbear states that sex is fetishised. Discuss.


Discussion 3


3.1. Are there any questions you would like to suggest to the group for discussion?


3.2. Dr Tallbear comments that challenges exist identifying as polyamorous if you're not white - specifically folks link you to polygamy instead of polyamory. Thinking about gender, race, and sexual orientation - what challenges do you feel exist for specific intersections identifying as polyamorous?

3.3. Do you feel there is sufficient discussion around race and colonial legacies within your polyamory community? If no, what are the disadvantages? What more could/should be done?

3.4. Feel free to circle back to any previous questions that you'd love to discuss more on.

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