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Many Love
Discussion Questions


  • Would you recommend this book?

  • What did you enjoy?

  • What did you not enjoy?

  • Were there any themes/paragraphs/chapters that you’d like to share with the group that felt relatable for you?

  • Is there anything you wish had been included/shared that wasn’t?

  • Were there any specific opinions you disagreed with?


Polyamory & Sex

  • How would you define polyamory?

  • Do you think platonic relationships should be considered polyamory?

  • If you agree that changes within friendships happen less dynamically than changes within romantic relationships…why do you think this happens?

  • Can polyamory be just about sex and not about love?

  • Is ‘dating around’ or ‘hookup culture’ the same as polyamory? If no, how are they different?


Polyamory & Love

  • The author states that polyamory is not about giving the people you love permission, it’s about allowing yourself to let go and release whatever possession you feel you have over another person. Thoughts?

  • Love is wanting someone else to be happy. Discuss.

  • Everything comes from a place of love or a place of fear. Do you agree?

  • Life is too short to not say ‘I love you’ when you feel it. Do you agree? Or should folks be restrained until ‘the right moment’ to share this?



  • Polyamory is equally about personal exploration of jealousy as it is about love. Thoughts?

  • Jealousy, insecurity & providing assurance should be support and treated with love by those involved. Thoughts? If you agree, how could this be done?

  • Jealousy is mostly a learned trait taught to us through social conditioning. Do you agree?



  • What do you think are the advantages & disadvantages of raising children within polyamory?

  • “A wonderful thing about polyamory is that it allows you to acknowledge that you’ll have similarities & differences with people in your life”. Does this ring true for you?

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