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Discussion Questions

Would you recommend this show? What did you like / dislike?

Were there any scenes that particularly resonated?

At the end of episode 1 Joy & Alan agreed to open their relationship. What do you think is the best approach to opening a relationship?

Is there a difference between hiding secrets from your partner versus enjoying privacy?

Opinions on the way Joy & Alan communicate with each other?

Thoughts on couples opening their relationship because they no longer want to have sex with each other?

In episode 2, Marvin was upset that Joy hadn’t disclosed they were in an active relationship. At which point do you think you should share with a date that you are polyamorous/in an open relationship?

Do you think parents should share with their children that they have an open relationship?

In episode 2, Joy and Alan agreed to share details of their sexual adventures. Do you feel sharing this information requires consent from the other people involved?

How important is sex within a relationship?

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